How To Write Meta Descriptions For SEO
Why Are Meta Descriptions Important?
There are some hidden parts in a website that are important for Search Engine Optimization. These are parts in our front-end coding in the HTML code. Meta description is an HTML element used to describe our website’s main idea or theme, and tt advertises our content to search engines. The size of meta description should be 160 characters at maximum. Meta descriptions fall under the category of on-page SEO.
Title tag is a HTML tag that contains a title of the website. This title maybe different from the headline that appears on the page. The title page, URL of the website and meta description form the total text of a website that appears on search engines. Title tags and meta description also appear to users if they’re posted as links on social media websites. An example of a meta description of a restaurant.
<meta name = “description” content=”We are the best burgers in California at an affordable price providing optimum taste “>
Due to meta descriptions visibility on SERPs and social media, it can serve a valuable purpose in internet marketing. Your meta descriptions must be written by a marketer so your meta descriptions can be utilized effectively to generate consumer interests. It is observed that users’ don’t only check the titles of websites. They also read the meta description and decide to click on the website based upon it. So optimized meta descriptions for your target audience can translate to a lot of clicks.
However, it must be important to note that meta descriptions themselves are not used to improve a website’s search rankings. Google says that meta description is not one of their algorithms’ ranking factors. However, if web pages of a website are continuously clicked in search results, then Google or other search engines improve the website’s rankings. These clicks can be generated through clever meta descriptions and so meta description can indirectly increase your website’s search engine page results.
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