SEO Services Brooklyn

SEO Services Brooklyn, New York

best seo services in Brooklyn New York
Brooklyn New York

Are you looking for affordable SEO services in Brooklyn, New York? Contact us today for a free SEO quote. We service Brooklyn New York and the surrounding areas.

So what type of SEO services do you need? Below we’ll go over a few of the SEO services that we provide for local businesses in the Brooklyn New York area.

On-Page SEO in Brooklyn

The first thing you’ll need to setup is your on-page SEO for your website. On-page SEO refers to the way your website is set up. There’s a certain structure that search engines look for when scanning through your website.

The structure search engines look for is your title tag, the h1 tag, h2 tag, h3 tag, and your description tag. If the structure of your website isn’t setup correctly, then it will be hard for search engines to determine what your website is about.

If you have an HTML website, then the SEO could be hard to set up and it takes a lot of time. If you have a wordpress website, your on-page SEO can be set up fairly quickly with plugins that are designed to SEO purposes. The most important on-page SEO should be completed on your homepage first.

Once your homepage is optimized, you need to repeat the steps for all the pages on the website. I know this sounds tedious, but if you want to rank for your target keywords and dominate the competition, you need to optimize all the pages on your website including the tags, description tags, and also the images.

SEO For Images On Your Website

Most people overlook the images when it comes to SEO. You have to optimize your images for SEO if you want to succeed. The way you optimize the images is by setting a title tag, alternative tag, and description tag.

If you have WordPress, once again, this is very easy to set up. Search engines can’t physically see your images, but they can read the images. These images will start to populate in “Google Images” and it will help search engines determine what your website is about.

You can also embed videos on your website via youtube. Google and YouTube are the same company, so by embedding a YouTube video on your page, this will improve your rankings.

SEO Services Brooklyn: Backlinks

The next thing you need to set up his authority backlinks to your website. The best backlinks come from educational websites, .gov websites, in any of the other top 100 websites that you will find and

Alexa shows you the websites that get the most traffic in the world, so obviously those websites usually have higher authority, and most of those websites allow you to set up a profile account with a backlink to your website.

SEO For Mobile Devices in Brooklyn

Another important feature that you want to set up is mobile SEO. Mobile SEO basically means that you want to make sure that your website is optimized for mobile phones.

If your website is optimized for mobile phones, you will rank higher in the search engines. Google wants to make sure that your website is user friendly no matter how someone visits your site.

Also it’s important to know that most people visit websites on a mobile phone compared to desktop computers.

So you want to make sure that your call to actions on your website are visible on desktop computers and especially mobile phone.

Websites that are optimized for mobile devices will not only improve user experience, but improve your rankings with Google very fast. Contact us for more details. We’ll help you optimize your website to improve your sales, guaranteed.

Below is a list of our most basic on-page SEO services:

Brooklyn SEO Services

  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • Keyword Analysis
  • WordPress/HTML Optimization
  • Fix Permalinks
  • Optimize Title Tags
  • Optimize Meta Tags
  • Optimize H1 Tags, H2 Tags, and H3 tags
  • Add Relevant Buying Keywords to Your Homepage
  • Structure Your First Paragraphs Correctly
  • Adjust Your Keyword Density
  • Structure Your Last Paragraphs Correctly
  • Optimize Your Images (alt tags, title tags, captions)
  • Install and Set Up SEO Plugins (WordPress)
  • Optimize Your Categories to Improve Your On-Page SEO
  • Use Analysis Tools To Scan Your Website and Fix Common Errors
  • Provide You With Off Page SEO Tips
  • Improve Your Rankings with RSS Feeds
  • Show You How To Piggyback Authority Websites to Rank for Competitive Keywords

Contact Us

Kent Mauresmo

SEO Services Brooklyn

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