Search Engine Optimization Tips
SEO Tips & Tricks
Search Engine Optimization has become popular recently. Many have discovered the fruits of going online for their marketing needs. We will discuss a few tips which will give you a boost if you are planning to use SEO for your website.
An ongoing process: The first rule of SEO is that it can never attain the “finished” or “Completed” status. It is an ongoing process. You will always have to keep an eye for new opportunities lest your competitors get ahead of you.
Publish content regularly: The more you post, the more Google will crawl your website. With more content, you can also increase your traffic.
Keywords research: Keywords are an essential part of SEO and any well-written article aimed to catch Google’s attention. Google Keywords Tool is a great way to search for relevant keywords. Always remember not to over-use the keywords such that it does not make for good reading. Quality articles with good information will help you go far.
User-friendliness of your website: An easy and simple navigation system should be an essential part of your website. The more people find it easier to navigate, the more time they will spend there, thereby giving you loyal visitors.
Mobile friendly websites: Websites which are mobile friendly will not only get special consideration from Google for usability but it will also be able to welcome more visitors.
Backlinks: Backlinks are usually posted in other popular websites or blogs and are used to link back to your website. These are a great way to increase your traffic flow. Just make sure you do not link to terrible websites or those which are not relevant.
Titles: Every article you publish will have a title. They are a good way to attract attention. Make sure your article contains your primary keyword. They should be unique and relevant. It is advisable that they do not cross 55 characters.
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