Speed Up Your Website Using These Simple Tricks
Discover How To Speed Up Your Website –
Any website that aims to rank high in Google or Bing search results needs to load fast. Load speed is a relevant ranking factor on both of these search engines and they have tools in place that measure how fast a page loads to users.
This can seriously affect your rankings. You might have excellent, high-quality, meaningful content or superb products, but if the pages load slowly, you might not rank very high despite all your efforts.
What Exactly is Page Speed?
Page speed is the length of time it takes for a page to load. The recommended page load speed is about 2 seconds, but preferably less. A page might take a bit more to fully load, but users should be able to see some content within the first two seconds. The loading process should start after about a second.
Pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load are quickly abandoned. Users have now become impatient when it comes to page speed and won’t linger waiting for your website to load. They will leave the site and continue their search which translates to a high bounce rate.
On top of that, Google uses tools to measure how fast your web pages load and if your web pages fail to meet the recommended time frame, this will affect your rankings. As a result, you might be losing a lot of traffic and potential customers.
How to Improve Your Page Load Speed
One of the basic ways you can boost page speed is by compressing and optimizing images on the page. Since large images can slow down your page speed, compressing them to reduce their size and/or changing their file format can help a page load faster.
Other factors affect page speed too such as the number of videos and medial files present on the page, the number of redirects, and caching. We recommend testing the speed of your pages before taking any actions. If your pages take more than recommended time to load, address the above mentioned issues to increase your page speed. Contact SEO Noble for more information.