About SSL Certificates and Your Website
SSL Certificates –

Wildcard SSL certificates are essential because they safeguard your website by encrypting data sent to and from it. The private and public keys of SSL certificates are used by browsers and web servers to encrypt and decrypt data.
In this instance, an SSL server, which issues the SSL certificate to a publisher, shares information with a client server (the user’s web browser) in order to provide a secure connection free from third-party eavesdropping. Websites that install and configure an SSL certificate may be able to establish a secure connection to a web server over HTTPS.
Because web browsers aggressively warn users to avoid insecure websites, it is in your best interest to install an SSL certificate and secure your website. Web browsers such as Google Chrome will warn users that your site is insecure if it does not have an SSL certificate. You can quickly determine if your connection is secure by examining the SSL certificate issued by the website you are attempting to visit.
Why You Need an SSL Certificate
Either your web hosting server or your personal computer will need to have your SSL certificate configured (i.e., if you are hosting your site yourself). Your web host may offer HTTPS security, or you can acquire an SSL/TLS certificate from a certificate authority and install it yourself.
Considering that the majority of browsers, including Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge, will warn users whenever they encounter a website with an expired certificate or one issued using a weak cryptographic strength (such as 1024-bit keys), it makes sense to purchase an SSL certificate from a reputable vendor to protect your website.
An SSL ensures that your website’s visitors’ sensitive information is transferred over a secure network. SSL is the most popular security protocol, enabling the protection of Internet transactions via SSL certificate validation. A lot of web hosting companies offer SSL certificates for free now, so you no longer have to pay for them.
If you need to secure your website, then contact your website hosting company to discuss your options. Depending on the type of hosting company you use, if they are competent and offer good customer support, they should help you troubleshoot any issues that you have with your SSL. If you need additional help, you can contact us for help.