One Content To Rule Them All
My Precious
With so many mobile activities and online experiences, digital marketing professionals need to know how to effectively reach and retain their customers. Better RAM and faster processors in mobile devices enable users to multitask like never before, allowing them to toggle between applications, games and website tabs without sacrificing functionality.
The lack of singularity in mobile use, however, creates a unique problem for marketers trying to put their products in the path of digital consumers. This problem can be only solved by a marketers’ willingness to stay relevant and on the cutting edge of digital technology and social media platforms. Adapting to the latest trends is key to staying in the game of digital marketing, and having great content is the means to winning that game!
Content Is King
Every marketer is familiar with the phrase “content is king”, but no other three words hold more truth in this field. Without quality content, viewers will rarely become consumers. Content will either draw the casual “window shopper” in for a closer look or fail to capture the interest of the passer-by, leaving them to look elsewhere. Quality content can influence how a consumer thinks and even behaves, regardless of the media platform used.
Many people are often confused about the term content. What are we referring to exactly when we talk about the importance of content? Is it the text used in the advertisement of your product? The dialogue spoken in video ads? The daily life articles we see on websites and blogs? All of these forms of information, in truth, can be considered content. Content is any piece of text that you use to engage your customers and compel them to use your products and services. With such an end in mind, one cannot emphasize enough the importance of quality content creation in marketing one’s brands and products.
Context For The Content
No two people are alike in terms of how, when, where and why they use the digital platforms they use at any given time. One person uses a smart phone at dinner, another works on a laptop in her office while yet another uses a desktop computer for entertainment purposes; each one has his or her own unique reasons for the chosen means of consuming digital content. Because of this wide variability in digital consumption, no single marketing strategy will effectively reach all target audiences. The scope is too broad for a “one size fits all” strategy. Portability and adaptability to the context of content is necessary to reach all people in all the many ways in which they consume digital information.
What’s your content marketing strategy?
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