The Key Factor of a Successful Social Media Strategy
Social Media Strategies
When designing your social media strategy, never underestimate the relevance of a clear purpose. Regardless of the type and size of your business, you need to know the response you wish to obtain from your online community.
If you are unsure about the responses you want from your target, think about your brand’s needs and how they can be met in the near future. Where are your followers right now and where do you want them to be? You might want to make them aware of your brand, help them understand what you offer, trigger in them a desire for your products or convince them that your brand is truly the best for them.
Business Goals
Next, separate your business goals from your communications goals. Your goals should reflect an understanding of your unique business context and your consumer’s environment in order to produce messages that will have a significant impact on the right audience.
Once you have clear purposes in terms of both business and communication, start identifying key interactions that can contribute to them. For instance, if the purpose of your communication is to expand your reach by increasing brand awareness, you must take into account that all ‘likes’ and comments on your social media accounts have the potential to expand your marketing reach. Each person’s engagement with your content will make your posts more relevant on the platform, making your messages more visible to others who don’t necessarily follow you.
Focus on the key strategic objectives that contribute the most to your desired outcome and monitor their effectiveness so you can adjust the content if needed. You can implement multiple strategies simultaneously, but in order to focus your efforts most effectively, it is advisable to limit yourself to three single-purpose strategies. Employing too many strategies with numerous desired outcomes often leads to wasted time and energy.
Which social media strategy do you use?
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