Tips for Marketing on Instagram 2021
Tips for Marketing on Instagram during Covid –
With the onset of Covid, more people are glued to their smartphones. Screen time has increased exponentially and due to the saturation of content, it’s important to figure out a strategy to reach consumers in a way that comes off as genuine and not too pushy.
If your brand comes off in a way that appears to be self-serving and doesn’t offer a genuine solution for a potential customer, future customers might be turned off from the product you are selling them. It’s important to engage with potential customers in a nuanced way.
First 3 Seconds
Based on recent trends during Covid, it’s essential to engage your audience in the first three seconds of your social media campaign. Start out with the payoff of the service or product you’re offering right off the bat to get the audience interested. It’s also important for a potential new customer to feel like they are playing an active role in the product you are selling them. For instance instead of writing an Instagram post on why an individual needs your product, consider asking a question on Instagram or utilizing the poll feature. This is also a great way to gather insight into potential buyers and understand what’s important to them.
Relevant Content
It’s essential to make sure that your content is timely and relevant as well. Consider leveraging cultural trends in your posts to show that you’re participating in a larger cultural moment. It’s also beneficial to get potential buyers to want to stay and engage with your social content. For instance, if you are selling costumes and a new superhero movie is trending, you can ask potential buyers what superpower they wish they could have.
Also, consider using an AR lens to promote your product while keeping potential customers engaged in what you’re selling in a fun and interactive way. If you are trying to market glasses, consider creating an AR lens where users can try on glasses. There are many different approaches to take and it’s important to really consider how you can serve as a benefit to a potential customer. Contact us for more information.