Why Are Google Ads So Expensive: How Can You Lower The Cost?
Why Are Google Ads So Expensive? –

Google Ads is a great way to show your ads to people who might be interested in your products and services, but it can be expensive. How much you bid on each keyword is a big part of how much it will cost.
Google Keyword Planner is a great way to find out how much people are willing to bid on each keyword and get your ad on the first page. When someone clicks on your ad, you pay for that click.
Google Keyword Planner also has an estimate tool that uses data from Google Ads to figure out what your keyword’s quality score is.
Google Ads is an auction system, and because of competition from other businesses, the cost can increase quickly depending on the day. When you make an ad, you and your competitors are bidding against each other, which affects the cost of your ads.
The monthly cost of Google Ads depends on a lot of things, like how much you bid on keywords, how much money you have to spend on ads, and how good your quality score is for each ad you run on Google.
Big Cities vs Small Towns
The average bid for a keyword in the services sector will be higher if you’re in a large city compared to a smaller town. This is because more businesses are trying to grow or move into new markets. Also, campaigns that target popular industries like technology or health care tend to cost more per click than campaigns that target local industries with less competition.
In the end, you need to know how Google’s auction system works to make successful campaigns that meet your budget and campaign goals while still paying a competitive price for clicks.
Google AdWords is the most popular platform for pay-per-click advertising, and many businesses prefer to use Google compared to Bing. AdWords can be a good way to get clicks, but depending on your industry, sometimes it is better to perform SEO on your website to save money. Because there is a lot of competition and demand for certain keywords in certain industries, like Lawyers, sometimes Google adwords isn’t a good option depending on your target ROI.
One keyword may cost 10x’s more than another keyword in a different industry. To lower your Adwords costs, you need to make ads that are highly targeted and have high quality scores. You should also adjust your strategies based on how much your competitors pay for keywords that are similar to yours so you don’t overpay.
If you need help setting up a Google ads campaign, contact us to request more information. We include Google ads management for free with all of our SEO clients. Call or message us now to learn more.