How To Optimize Website Images & Resizing
How To Optimize Website Images –

By optimizing the site’s overall image usage, this improves both the user experience and the site’s visibility in search engine results pages. By reducing the size of images, they can load faster and improve the overall performance of the website.
Image optimization (compression) can improve website loading times and performance. Compression is an essential aspect of image optimization, as smaller files require less storage space and can speed up page load times.
High-resolution, wide-area images contain a great deal of visual information, which results in larger file sizes and slower page load times. They take longer to load than text, so if your page contains multiple large images that must be downloaded, it will load more slowly.
Make Sure Image Sizes are Appropriate
The process of optimizing images begins with the selection of photos, then swiftly moves on to providing clever naming systems, creating alternative text, and ensuring that file sizes and types are appropriate. Enhancement entails performing a variety of tasks that improve Google’s understanding of your website’s images, such as correctly naming files, adding and optimizing alt text, reducing file sizes, etc.
Metadata (specifically, alt text and file names) can increase your site’s traffic from image searches and aid users with visual impairments in navigating your site. Adding relevant alt tags to the images on your website can also improve your website’s search engine rankings by associating keywords with the images.
You should format your sitemap correctly to allow Google to index all images, so that your website’s images appear in search results. Make sure your images have been saved with a descriptive filename and are the correct dimensions so they are optimized for quality. This is basic image optimization techniques that some website owners miss, and these mistakes will give you an advantage with Google if you utilize these tips. Contact us if you need assistance.